2 Peter 1:5a-5b

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2 Peter 1:5a-5b

Peter begins verse 5 by saying (NKJV), “But also for this very reason,” which prompts us to look back to see what “this very reason” is, and we find the reason in 2 Peter 1:1-4 which is a great explanation of salvation in Christ Jesus that saves us from the corruption of this world.

“But also for this very reason,” as the apostle Peter continues in verse 5, “giving all diligence,”.  To be diligent, as defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus, is “characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort”, and diligence is defined as, “persevering application.”  So, through the precious promises of God by our salvation in Jesus Christ, we should add diligence to our lives.


This is a command to be diligent; giving earnest, energetic effort in the persevering application of our new lives in Christ Jesus.


To be diligent is to be active in our salvation in and through Christ Jesus.  God has given us all a gift to be used for bringing Him glory and sharing the gospel and His love throughout all the world.  We should be energetic and persevering in our individual gifts that we have and use them to do our part in bringing God glory through our lives.  If you don’t know what your gift is…pray and ask God to reveal it to you; sometimes God has not revealed these things to us simply because we have not asked.  Spend time in prayer and ask God to work through your life – you will be surprised at how God can use you to share His love and bring Him glory.


Dear LORD,

We have learned today that we should be diligent in our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  That we should be actively energetically seeking your will for our lives and persevering in bringing You glory through our lives.  Please help us to do so and guide us through Your Holy Spirit that lives within us.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.