2 Corinthians 8:10-12


2 Corinthians 8:10-12

In 2 Corinthians 8:10-12 the Apostle Paul gives advice to the congregation of the church at Corinth regarding a past commitment that began one year earlier.  He teaches them that it is to their advantage (2 Corinthians 8:10) to complete a promise that they had made to give an offering that would be taken to the church at Jerusalem to be distributed to those in need.  Paul says that it is not only important that they have a desire to help, but that they should complete the task that they set in contributing to the overall giving of the Christian Church.  Paul also instructs that their giving should be completed out of what they have, not what they do not have.  In this case, it may be that the Corinthians had big hearts in their desire to give, but had not completed the giving because they had desired to give in excess of their capabilities, which in turn prevented them from giving anything at all and defeating their initial purpose of giving something. 


This is a command that one should give according to what they have, as it is better to give something than nothing.


To have a giving heart is a product of being a Christian.  God gave us eternal life and salvation from sin by giving us forgiveness that we do not deserve but through God’s mercy and grace to us.  We in turn should reflect a giving heart so that as the early Church took care of the needs of everyone, the Church today would do the same.  But we should not refrain from our giving because we desire to give more than what we have or because we feel that the little that we can give is not enough.  If we all give what we are able, the Church will thrive in meeting the needs of everyone.


Dear LORD,

I remember a time when the Church was the place where those in need turned for help.  It was with a sincere heart that they came to the Church for help, and it was with a sincere heart that the Church gave to meet their needs.  Through developing these relationships, lost souls have been led to the cross of Christ Jesus and in so have gained more than having their material needs met, but have also gained eternal life and forgiveness of their sins that gave so much more than we could ever wish to give, but that You intervened and gave what we cannot – in Christ.  We pray today that this attitude would be revived in our communities, that Your Church would regain the respect of the community as the place to go when in need, and that we would all be willing to be the giving people that You call us to be – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.