2 Corinthians 6:11-13


2 Corinthians 6:11-13

The Apostle Paul has been teaching and leading the congregation of the church at Corinth in the ways of the Lord.  He has been persuading them to flee from the ways of the world and seek the ways of Jesus.  He now comes to a place of what seems to be almost exhaustion in his pleading with them as he exclaims, “O Corinthians!”  as we see in 2 Corinthians 6:11 (NKJV).  This shows the desire of Paul for his “children” as he refers to them in 2 Corinthians 6:13 to come unto the ways of the Lord and to realize and understand the importance of the gospel message in which he has been preaching to them.


This is an example of a true leader in Christ Jesus in showing compassion and a concerning desire for his hearers to come to a believing faith and salvation in Christ Jesus.


There are many preachers today that lead their congregations in a false teaching that is fueled by the needs of the secular world as to fill the pews and the offering plate.  But there are many more preachers that are pure, genuine, and authentically called by God to stand in the pulpit and share the message of the gospel to all who will hear and be open to applying the lessons in their own lives and seek the kingdom of God.  This is similar to the message that the Apostle Paul is teaching to the church at Corinth is in his genuine calling from God to preach the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 9).  It is this conversion from the ways of the world to the ways of God that we too need to be seeking in our lives, that we too would be sincere in heart to our calling from God – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

We struggle, as did the Corinthians, with ridding ourselves of the ways of this world and putting on the righteousness of Christ Jesus and submitting our lives to Your will for us and following it with a passion and desire to please You with our lives.  Please give us confidence in Christ Jesus, that He has broken the chains of the devil on our lives so that through our salvation in Jesus, we may live a new life with a purified heart through Your grace to us in giving us the gift of life – in Christ!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.