1 Corinthians 7:10-11


1 Corinthians 7:10-11

It is important to understand the context of Paul’s instructions regarding marriage in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11.  This “command” (1 Corinthians 7:10, NKJV) is a command for the believers/those who have opened their hearts to Jesus and professed Him Lord and Savior.  This is for the Christians/saints of the church at Corinth as is the recipients of this letter (1 Corinthians 1:2).  Many of the people had taken on the attitude that being single would bring about a closer, stronger, and deeper relationship with God, so they were getting divorced with this goal in mind.  However, this attitude is not correct, and Paul is addressing this situation to help the saints in the church at Corinth regain a proper view of marriage in the eyes of God.  For those who are married, and both the man and the woman are Christians, the attitude of Christ Jesus is to be sought in the marriage relationship which would lead to building a stronger relationship.


This is a command that a Christian marriage should stand strong in Jesus and not end in divorce.


The Christian marriages in the church at Corinth were ending in divorce because of the desire for the individual to draw closer to God and they mistakenly believed that being single was the way to a stronger relationship with God.  The people/Christians were sincerely striving to do the right thing in the eyes of God but in their confusion they overlooked the privilege and blessing of marriage in the eyes of God.  Marriage is a blessing and should be considered as such – a blessing from God in giving a companion to share the physical life and grow together – in Christ.  Marriage is a bonding together that is intended to lead us in a relationship that is unbreakable, just as is God’s love for us; an unbreakable relationship that is built on love, obedience, and sincerity between God and you, and between you and your spouse.  The Christian marriage is one of God’s greatest blessings to humanity.


Dear LORD,

When we become Christians/children of God we are making a sincere, obedient, and loving commitment to You; to follow Your will for our lives and seek to please You with our lives.  We are blessed by You in a very similar commitment in marriage.  Please open our eyes to this realization and understanding in our relationship with You, and in our relationship with our spouse – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.