1 Corinthians 14:6-12
As we study this first letter from the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth, it appears that speaking in tongues was, to the congregation of the church at Corinth, the proof of God’s Holy Spirit working in one’s life, or even more closely related to the proof of one’s salvation in Christ Jesus. We know from John 14:15-18 that Jesus has promised the “Helper”, being God’s Holy Spirit to live within those who will believe in Him. Without definite proof, it appears that those of the church at Corinth have taken this a step further as the proof of salvation – which is an incorrect assumption. Paul is striving to guide the church at Corinth in the direction of edifying the whole body of the church rather than the individual. As for his examples, if the congregation of the church, one by one, all get up and speak in spiritual tongues with no one being able to understand what is being uttered, there is no teaching being conducted, but only personal edification, which Paul states should be done in a private setting between the individual and God if there is no one to interpret the utterance (1 Corinthians 14:5). This helps us to better understand why Paul has been teaching about the diversity of spiritual gifts and the importance of all spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12-13).
This is an example that speaking in tongues is for edifying the individual and should only be utilized in the church if someone is present to interpret the utterance for the edification of the whole body of the church rather than the individual.
The proof of God’s Holy Spirit in your life is not dependent on which spiritual gift that you receive from Him, but on having a sincere heart to God in professing His One and only Son your Savior – Jesus – the Savior of the world (John 3:16-17). God gives each of us a spiritual gift that He has designed just for us, that no one else could utilize as well as us if we trust in God and seek His will and guidance for our lives – in Christ. What spiritual gift has God given you? Do you know? If not, you should pray about it and with an open heart for whatever the answer is, you should ask. God will not steer you wrong, but you may be surprised with the answer.
Dear LORD,
Please help us to not be as the congregation of the church at Corinth but to learn from them as the Apostle Paul taught them that our spiritual gift is not our means to salvation but our reward for opening our hearts to Jesus and professing Him our Lord and Savior. And help us to utilize our spiritual gift to the best of our ability – in Christ. In Jesus name I pray, amen.