1 Corinthians 1:19-21


1 Corinthians 1:19-21

As the Apostle Paul continues in 1 Corinthians 1:19-21, he brings to light the ways of the wisdom of man vs. the wisdom of God.  To man, in his own wisdom is a conceit that brings pride and arrogance – a self-reliance that places himself on a pedestal.  But it is through this very wisdom of man that keeps him away from having a reconciling relationship with God through Christ Jesus.  Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 1:21 (NKJV), “21For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.”  As long as a man considers himself self-reliant and allows the pride of the devil to blind him from the need for God, he will never come to a place of realizing a need for God in his life.  This man will believe that the message of the cross is foolishness as he sees no need for it in his life.  But in the foolishness of the message of the cross, in the unbeliever’s eyes, is the gift of grace for all who will come to the cross in sincere humility.


This is an example that a self-righteous person cannot see the gift of God’s grace in the message of the cross.

This is a promise that believing in the message of the cross is the way to salvation.


For some of us, salvation was immediate; we believed and we repented and we received God’s Holy Spirit into our hearts and we were saved.  But for many of us, salvation was the beginning of a road to true salvation; we didn’t quite understand the true meaning of obedience to God.  I know for me, that I was sincere in my own mind, but at a young age, I didn’t quite understand that salvation in Christ Jesus meant that I must give up myself.  I knew that I would put on a new life in Christ Jesus, but I didn’t realize that I must submit my life to God.  I thought that I could still do things my way and God would operate as I needed Him to.  I thought that I still called all the shots.  And God says, “Okay, you call the shots.”  Folks, it took me thirty years to realize that if I desire God’s will for my life, then I have to submit to Him – to let Him call the shots, and then follow His lead.  God will allow you to call the shots for all your life if you want, but if you desire God’s will for your life, then you have to, at some point, start putting your “self” behind you and put God in front of you.  You have to start seeking God’s help in making the decisions in your life, and then allowing Him the time to answer and lead you where He desires you to be in life.  You cannot force God to make a decision “NOW.”  He simply will not operate by your commands.  But that’s just it; you have to realize that “YOU” need to begin operating by God’s commands.  It is only then that you will begin to grow in the redemptive life in Christ Jesus – it is only then that you will begin to understand the message of the cross.


Dear LORD,

Satan traps us within the self-centered world of ourselves – in pride and arrogance, in a blindness that is so dark that we cannot begin to see out of it without Your help.  The sinful nature prompts us to think of ourselves, but it is only through realizing our need for Your help – for Your guidance in our lives to lead us away from the sinful nature and into a new life in Christ Jesus that will allow us to put our focus on You and begin living as You will have us to be – in Christ.  Please let it be so LORD.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.